Investor Support Services​

Biopharma Sell-side Support​

What Our Client Needed​

Client sought to understand the value of a sub-set of assets within the dermatology portfolio of a mid-sized pharmaceutical company to understand the potential for a carve out​

Our Solution

  1. Characterize Current Treatment Paradigm and Value Drivers Across Four Indications​
  2. Assess Overall Opportunity for Company Pipeline​
  3. Assess Organizational Capabilities, Needs, and Risks to Achieving Sales​
  4. Develop a Scenario-based, Dynamic Sales Forecast and Support Valuation Modeling​

Our Impact​

  • Characterized four disease landscapes, including patient segmentation, and population size ​
  • Identified unmet needs, the addressable patients, and value drivers for utilization of new products through physician interviews​
  • Ascertained expected development needs, commercial spend, and key development risks ​
  • Elevated key future uncertainties and their impact on the opportunity for the organization, and steps to mitigate the risk​